A few years ago scientists were bored and decided to see if they could create a super race of animals that could adapt with the changing climate and environments. The animals came out excellent and all was thought to be well. One night the guard forgot to lock one of the animals cages properly. That animal got out and released the rest. The next morning the scientists arrived to see that all of the animals were out of place. Not knowing exactly what species of the super breed mated with who, the animals were placed in there original cages and locked. Three months later the female animals and one asexual animal gave birth to what is now the inhabitants of planet NuZe, which is short for Nuclear Zero. Once the scientists saw such hideous creatures, they knew that such animals would not be accepted or understood in the current society. They rounded up the mutant animals and shipped them off into space. They landed on planet Nuclear Zero and have been breeding with each other ever since. The Snoctobunny is a fuse of a snail, octopus and rabbit. It is one of the more dominant prey since they breed often and produce 20 in a litter. The casualties are large, but the reproduction rate is even greater.
The Snoctobunny's main defences- The Three back spikes are used to deter the enemy from attacking. The Four tentacles are used as a flailing distraction and a method of throwing the enemy far away. The snoctobunny leaves a trail of neon green slime behind that smells very foul and is very slippery. Its three ears allow the snoctobunny hear from all angles so that they know which direction the predator is comming from. Its three eyes are also used to see all around so that it may always be aware of its surroundings. Although the snoctobunny has its many defences, it is very very slow paced and very dim witted which in the end brings this creature to its painful demise.
Sui Chee is my partner and has created the Predator
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