With all my hardwork and fun times my UNV banner is up and running on the website. http://www.unv.org.ph/ Some changes with colour and placement by request of the project manager was accomplished. Red and blue were switched and some other minor adjustments were made.
The Main Problem
The main problem was maintaining file size while keeping quality high enough and having many pictures present in the banner to simulate a banner/slideshow.
The Solution
Photoshop's save for web and devices feature was used to bring down the file size along with pre image resizing and ppi adjustments. The banner was carefully thought out. How many pictures would be used to convey their message and the break down of how many kb each image should be at the most to maintain quality and stay within the given limits. After planning, sizing and saving the images were ready to be imported into flash and used as either movie clips or graphics so that they could be used to classic tween. Since my as3 skills are still being developed, I felt much more comfortable using my classical previous knowledge of manually tweening and placement to complete this banner more efficiently. Making the deadline was very important for me to show my dedication and values. The deadlines were made, revisions were made. I have also been asked to make changes once they take more pictures in the future.
I am very happy with this project and I hope to be able to continue my work with this organization.
how did you end up working with this org?